Bibliographie: Deir el-Bahari
LÄ I : 1006-1025 ; PM 340 - 377 ; Vandier, Manuel II , 1 : 158-166 , II , gw 669-680 , 796-799; Coptic Encyclopaedia III : 779-781: Blue Guide, S. 575-579. Siehe auch beim Eintrag zu Musee d' Art et d' Histoire in Genf. Allen, James P. Some Theban Officials of the Early Middle Kingdom. Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson. BMFA I (1996): 1-26. Arnold, Dieter. Sechster Vorbericht über die vom Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo in Qurna unternommenen Arbeiten (= 8. Kampagne). MDAIK 27 (1971): 125-130. Arnold, Dieter. Bericht über die vom Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo im Mntw-htp Tempel und in El-Tarif unternommenen Arbeiten. MDAIK 28,1 (1972): 13-32. Arnold, Dieter. Weiteres zur Keramik von el Tarif. MDAIK 28,1 (1972): 33-46. Arnold, Dieter. Der Tempel des Königs Mentuhotep von Deir el-Bahari, 1: Architektur und Deutung. Mainz: von Zabern, 1974. Arnold, Dieter. Der Tempel des Königs Mentuhotep von Deir el-Bahari, 2: Die Wandreliefs des Sanktuares. Mainz: von Zabern, 1974. Arnold, Dieter. The Temple of Mentuhotep at Deir el-Bahri. From the Notes of Herbert Winlock (= PMMA, 21). New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979. [AEB 79.536 English] Arnold, Dieter. Der Tempel des Königs Mentuhotep von Deir el-Bahri, 3: Die Königlichen Beigaben (= AV, 23). Mainz: von Zabern, 1981. [AEB 81.0865 German] Arnold, Dieter. Die Tempel Ägyptens: Götterwohnungen Kultstätten, Baudenkmäler. Zürich: Artemis und Winkler, 1992. S. 134-138, 140-141. Arnold, Dieter. Der Tempel des Königs Mentuhotep von Deir el-Bahari, 4: Relieffragmente des Mentuhotep. Mainz: von Zabern, 1993. Arnold, Dieter. Lexikon der ägyptischen Baukunst. München: Artemis, 1994. S.159-160 zum Tempel Mentuhoteps. Baraize, E. Sur quelques travaux de consolidation exécutés en fevrier et mars 1906 á Deir el-Baharî. ASAE 7 (1906): 15-154. Barakat, Abu el-Ayun. The Temple of Kha'-'Akhet in Western Thebes. MDAIK 37 (1981): 29-33. Bataille, André. Les inscriptions grecques du temple de Hatshepsout à Deir el-Bahari (= Publications de la Société Fouad I de Papyrologie, Textes et Documents, 10). Kairo: IFAO, 1951. Beaux, Nathalie. La chapelle d'Hathor de Thoutmosis III à Deir el-Bahari. VA 10 (1995): 59-66. Beaux, Nathalie und Janusz Karkowski. La chapele d'Hathor du temple d'Hatchepsout à Deir al-Bahari: Rapport préliminaire. BIFAO 93 (1993): 7-24. Carter, Howard. Report on the tomb of Mentuhotep Ist at Deir el-Bahari, Known as the Bab el-Hoçan. ASAE 2 (1901): 201-205. Czerner, Rafal und Stanislaw Medeksza. The New Observations on the Architecture of the Temple of Thutmosis III at Deir el-Bahari. In: Acts 6th ICE (1992-1993), II: 119-123. Dabarowski, Leszek. The Main Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri. JEA 56 (1970): 101-104. Daressy, G. Les sépulture des prêtres d'Amon á Deir el-Bahari. ASAE 1 (1900): 141-148 Edwards, I.E.S. Lord Dufferin's Excavations at Deir el-Bahri and the Clandeboye Collection. JEA 51 (1965): 16-28. [AEB 65.156 English] Gerster, Georg. A Temple of Thutmosis III in the Deir el Bahari Ruins. ILN 249 (1966): 18-19. Gilbert, Pierre. Le temple de Thoutmosis III à Deir el-Bahari. CdE 52 (1977): 252-259. Hayes, William C. Varia from the Time of Hatshepsut. MDAIK 15 (1957): 78-90. Besonders nützlich wegen seiner Kommentare zu Senenmut. Hayes, William C. A Selection of Thutmoside Ostraca from Der El Bahri. JEA 46 (1960): 29-52. Karkowski, Janusz. Studies on the Decoration of the Eastern Wall of the Vestibule of Re-Horakhty in Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir el-Bahari. Études et Travaux 9 (1976): 67-80. Karkowski, Janusz. Deir el-Bahari, 1973-1974: Travaux égyptologiques. Études et Travaux 10 (1978): 397-406. Karkowski, Janusz und J.K. Winnicki. Amenhotep, Son of Hapu, and Imhotep at Deir el-Bahri: Some Reconsiderations. MDAIK 39 (1983): 93-105. [AEB 83.1049 English] Knell, Heiner. Der Tempel der Hatschepsut in Theben-West (Deir el-Bahri). Antike Welt 1,1 (1970): 44-47. Allgemeiner Überblick. Laskowska-Kusztal, Ewa. Deir el-Bahari, 3: Le Sanctuaire Ptolemaique de Deir el-Bahari. Warschau: Editions Scientifiques de Pologne, 1984. [AEB 84.0776 English] Lipinska, Jadwiga. The Architectural Design of the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari. MDAIK 25 (1969): 85-89. Lipinska, Jadwiga. Deir el-Bahari, 2: The Temple of Tuthmosis III: Architecture. Warschau: PWN, 1977. [AEB 77.480 English] Lipinska, Jadwiga. The Temple of Thutmosis III: Statuary and Votive Monuments (= Centre d'archéologie méditerranean dans la RépubliqueArab d'Egypte au Caire, Deir el-Bahri, 4). Warschau: Editions Scientifiques de Pologne, 1984. [AEB 84.0833 English] Lipinska, Jadwiga. "Blinded" Deities from the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari. In: Fs Kákosy (1992), S. 387-388. Lipinska, Jadwiga. Deir el-Bahari, Thutmosis III Temple: Seven Seasons of Work. ASAE 72 (1992-1993): 45-48. Marciniak, Marek. Deir el-Bahari, 1: Les Inscriptions hiératiques du Temple de Thoutmosis III (= Centre d'Archéologie Mediterranéen et Centre Polonais d'Archéologie Mediterranéen dans la RAU). Warschau, 1974. Naville, Édouard. The Temple of Deir el Bahari (= EEF, 12-14, 16, 19, 27, 29). 7 Bände, London, 1894-1898. Naville, Édouard. The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el-Bahari (= EEF, 28, 30, 32). 3 Bäbde, London, 1907-1913. Niwinski, Andrzej. K La seconde trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari (sarcophages). Tome premier-deuxième fascicule. Kairo: Musé du Caire, 1995. Philips, Alan K. Observation on the Alleged New Kingdom Sanatorium at Deir el-Bahari. GM 89 (1986): 77-83. Schmitz, Bettina. Zwei Gründungsbeigaben Thutmosis' III im Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim. SAK 11 (1984): 521-528. Zwei Funstücke aus den Gründungsbeigaben aus dem Totentempel Thutmosis III mit Kommentaren zum Aufbau dieses Bauwerks. Schott, Siegfried. Der Krönnungstag der Hatshepsut. NAWG 6 (1955): 195-219. [AEB 4220 French] Stadelmann, Rainer. Totentempel und Millionenjahrhaus in Theben. MDAIK 35 (1979): 303-323. Stadelmann, Rainer. Tempel und Tempelnamen in Theben-Ost und -West. MDAIK 34 (1978): 171-180. Szafranski, Zbigniew E. On the foundations of the Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el-Bahari. In: Fs Barta (1995). S. 371-374. Tefnin, Roland. La chapelle d'Hathor du temple d'Hatshepsut à Deir el-Bahari: La recherche de l'harmonie dans l'architecture égyptienne. CdE 50, 99-100 (1975): 136-150. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut: Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission, Deir el-Bahari, 1968-1972, 1. Warschau: The Ateliers for Conservation of Cultural Property (PKZ), 1979. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut: Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission, Deir el-Bahari, 1972-1973, 2. Warschau: The Ateliers for Conservation of Cultural Property (PKZ), 1980. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut: Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Preservation Mission, Deir el-Bahari, 3. Warschau: The Ateliers for Conservation of Cultural Property (PKZ), 1985. Werbrouck, Marcelle. Le temple d'Hatshepsout à Deir el Bahari. Brüssel: Fondation égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1948. Werbrouck, Marcelle. Le cirque de Deir el-Bahari. Reflets du Monde: Revue bimestrielle de diffusion scientifique 1 (Brüssel, 1952): 1-16. Ein guter Überblick über die Tempel in diesem Gebiet. Winlock, Herbert E. Excavations at Deir el-Bahri, 1911-1931. New York: Macmillan, 1942. Winlock, Herbert E. The Slain Soldiers of Nebhepetre-Mentuhotep (= PMMA, 16). New York, 1945. Wysocki, Zygmunt. Deir el-Bahari, 1973-1974. Études et Travaux 10 (1978): 387-395. Wysocki, Zygmunt, et al. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut: Results of the Investigations and Conservation Works of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological Mission, 1968-1972. Warschau: State Enterprise for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1979. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Upper Court Colonnade of Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir el-Bahri. JEA 66 (1980): 54-69. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Discoveries, Research and the Results of the Reconstruction Made at the Rock Platform and the Protective Walls over the Upper Terrace in the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahri. MDAIK 39 (1983): 243-253. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Discovery and Reintegration of Two Niches in the East Chamber of the Queen Hatshepsut's Main Sanctuary at Deir el-Bahri. In: Fs Mokhtar 2 (1985), S. 361-378. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Results of Research, Architectonic Studies and of Protective Work over the North Portico of the Middle Courtyard in the Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el Bahari. MDAIK 40 (1983): 329-349. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri: The Results of Analysis and Studies on the Meaning of the Lines Retained on the South Revetment of the Middle Courtyard Temple. MDAIK 41 (1985): 293-307. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari: Its Original Form. MDAIK 42 (1986): 213-228. [AEB 86.0657 German] Wysocki, Zygmunt. Deir el-Bahari, saisons 1982-1985. Études et Travaux 16 (1992): 435-463. Wysocki, Zygmunt. Deir el-Bahari - Temple of Hatshepsut, 1986-1988 seasons. Études et Travaux 16 (1992): 465-485. Wysocki, Zygmunt. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari: The Raising of the Structure in View of Architectural Studies. MDAIK 48 (1992): 233-254. Wysocki, Zygmunt und Janus Karkowski. Deir el-Bahari, 1971-1972. Études et Travaux 8 (1975): 341-348. |