Bibliographie: KV 55
III: 522-523; PM 1, 2: 565-566.

Aldred, Cyril. The Tomb of Akhenaten at Thebes. JEA 47 (1961): 41-60. [AEB 61011 English]

Bell, Martha. An Armchair Excavation of KV 55. JARCE 27 (1990): 97-137.

Brock, Lyla P. Theodore Davis and the Rediscovery of Tomb 55. In: Richard H. Wilkinson (Hrsg.), The Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs. Tucson: University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition, 1995. S. 34-46.

Davis, Theodore M., G. Maspero, G.E. Smith, E. Ayrton, G. Daressy, und E.H. Jones. The Tomb of Queen Tiyi. London: Constable, 1910; Neuauflage, San Francisco, CA: KMT, 1990.

Dodson, Aidan. On the Origin, Contents and Fate of Biban el-Moluk Tomb 55. GM 132 (1993): 21-28.

Dodson, A.M. King's Valley Tomb 55 and the Fates of the Amarna Kings. Amarna Letters 3 (1994): 92-103.

Ertman, Earl L. Evidence of the Alterations to the Canopic Jar Portraits and Coffin Mask From KV 55. In: Richard H. Wilkinson (Hrsg.), Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs. Tucson: University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition, 1995. S. 108-119.

Gardiner, Alan H. The So-called Tomb of Queen Tiye. JEA 43 (1957): 10-25. [AEB 57.188 English]

Helck, Wolfgang. Was geschah in KV 55? GM 60 (1982): 43-46. [AEB 82.0526 German]

Johnson, George B. Tomb 55 Today. Amarna Letters, 2 (San Francisco, 1992): 70-75.

Knudsen de Behrensen, Yvonne. Pour une identification de la momie du tombeau No. 55 de la vallée des rois. GM 90 (1986): 51-60.

Krauss, Rolf. Kija ursprüngliche Besitzerin der Kanopen aus KV 55. MDAIK 42 (1986): 67-80.

Martin, Geoffrey T. Notes on a Canopic Jar From Kings' Valley Tomb 55. In: Fs Mokhtar (1985) 2:111-124.

Reeves, C.N. A Reappraisal of Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings. JEA 67 (1981): 48-55.

Reeves, Nicholas. The Tomb of Queen Tîyi: The Archaeological Analysis of KV 55 1907-1990 and A Select Bibliography of KV 55 Literature. San Francisco: KMT Communications, 1990. [AEB 93.0631].

Reeves, C.N. Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis. London: KPI, 1990. S. 42-49

Reeves, Nicholas und Richard H. Wilkinson. The Complete Valley of the Kings: Tombs and Treasures of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs. London: Thames and Hudson, 1996. S. 117-121.

Schnabel, Dieter. Die Rätsel des Grabes Nr. 55 im "Tal der Könige." Das Altertum 22 (1976): 226-233.

Thomas, Elizabeth. The Plan of Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings. JEA 47 (1961): 24.

Thomas, Elizabeth. The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes. Princeton: Eigenveröffentlichung, 1966. S. 144-147

Wilson, John A. Mrs Andrews and the "Tomb of Queen Tiyi." In: Fs Hughes (1976), S. 273-279.

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