Bibliographie: KV 5
III: 515; PM 1, 2: 501.

Carter, Howard. Report on General Work Done in the Southern Inspectorate. ASAE 4 (1903): 43-50. Siehe im Bes. S. 45.

Reeves, C.N. Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropoleis. London: KPI, 1990. S. 129-130.

Thomas, Elizabeth. The Royal Necropolis of Thebes. Princeton: Eigenveröffentlichung, 1966. S.149-150.

Weeks, Kent R. The Berkeley Map of the Theban Necropolis: Report of the sixth, seventh and eighth seasons. Berkeley: University of California, 1987.

Weeks, Kent R. Anatomy of a Concession. KMT 1 (1990): S.40-47.

Weeks, Kent R. The Theban Mapping Project and Work in KV 5. In: Reeves, C.N. After Tut'ankhamun: Research and Excavation in the Royal Necropolis at Thebes. London: KPI, 1992. S. 99-121.

Weeks, Kent R. The Theban Mapping Project: Report of the 1994 Field Season. Kairo.

Weeks, Kent R. Clearing KV 5: Investigating the Tomb of the Sons of Ramesses II. Minerva 6/6 (November/December 1995): 20-24.

Weeks, Kent R. Recent Work in the Valley of the Kings. EgyArch 4 (1994): 23-26.

Weeks, Kent R. Tomb KV 5 Revealed. EgyArch 7 (1995): 26-27.

Weeks, Kent R. Work in the Valley of the Kings. Minerva (Summer, 1995).

Weeks, Kent R. Valley of the Kings. National Geographic 3 (1998): 2-33.

Weeks, Kent R. The Lost Tomb. New York: William Morrow/London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1998.

Wilkinson, Richard H. und Nicholas Reeves. The Complete Valley of the Kings. London: Thames & Hudson, 1996. S. 144-146.

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